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About us


The first library in the town of Bruning was started in 1923 by the Bruning Federated Women's Club. They operated the library in various buildings throughout the years with a vision to provide a free library for all the community members. Throughout the years they raised funds to purchase books, shelves, a book drop, and other library necessities. The library provided many services to the community, including recreational reading for adults and summer reading programs for children. The library was operated by the Women's Club for 87 years.

In 2007 planning and fundraising for a new library building began. Through the combined efforts and contributions of many community members, the library moved into a newly renovated building on Main Street in May, 2010. Because of decreasing numbers in the Women's Club and an ever increasing budget, the new library management and direction has been taken over by the Village Board and the Bruning Community Foundation.

Our facility features over 6,500 books, desktop computers, free WiFi service, children's loft, and a reading room. We currently provide a Summer Reading program, as well as Preschool Story Time and a Book Club group. Nebraska Overdrive is provided for patrons' e-book and audiobook needs.  


We are located at:

117 E Main Street, Bruning, Nebraska 68322


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